Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wild Planet Hyper Dash

Wild Planet Hyper Dash will challenge you to be your best. It takes no time at all to learn, but selectable skill levels and four completely different game modes mean the challenge will always keep you busy. Hyper Dash consists of one electronic tagger and five different colored and numbered targets. The tagger plays pre-recorded music and calls out which targets you need to strike. It tracks the amount of time taken to complete each course. There¿s no limit to the distance between targets. Further targets result in more running and exercise. Hyper Dash can be played indoors or outdoors; solo, in pairs, or in teams. As your speed, skill and agility improve, the series of commands becomes longer and more challenging. Level one calls out the colors you need to tag, level two includes numbers, level three adds special commands like double strike, triple strike, reverse, double reverse and level four features compute-strike like addition/subtraction problems in which you tag the sum or difference of the numbers called out. Other play modes include the memory game of Micro Dash and multi-player relay races that promote teamwork. For a game of Hide 'n Dash, let your opponent hide the targets before you begin. Every game has encouraging cheers and upbeat music to keep kids on their feet, expending energy and having fun.

Wild Planet Hyper Dashis on sale for just $22.58. You save $7.41.

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